President John shared some club business:  The board met last week.  After the club survey the target date for in person meetings will be March 31.  Meetings will be livestreamed as well.
Vice President, Destiny Mujica polled members to have the opportunity to share their level of comfort about meeting in person.  She said that the majority of members polled in February felt comfortable going back to in person meetings.  Now that vaccines are becoming available an even higher percentage feel comfortable about meeting in person. There will be another board meeting prior to meeting in person.  We will be following the CDC guidelines.
In Other News…
District 5840 February newsletter for February – Hooray for the shout out to Oak Hills Rotary Club:  “OHRC going strong on zoom!”  Here is a quick link to the district website!   Check it out and see what our awesome district is doing during the covid restrictions....Rotarians are unstoppable!
Presidential theme for 2021-2022 has been revealed!
President-elect Shekhar Mehta encourages members to be changemakers and announces his theme for the 2021-2022 Rotary year, Serve to Change Lives. Learn more:
Virtual Town Hall Meeting
Join us for next District Virtual Town Hall event on Thursday, Feb. 11 at 6:30PM with special guest, Dr. Sylvia Whitlock. She is the 1st woman Club President in Rotary International - who changed Rotary leadership through social change. All are welcome! Click to register.
Even More News…
Some club members and guests like to join the zoom meeting early at 11:30.  Look what we found out this week!
Elizabeth & hubby Cody welcomed the arrival of Adeline Rose Clary on Jan 14.  No wonder Bil Trodlier has such a dreamy look in his eyes these days!  The couple will be moving to Houston in June.  Cody has a fellowship at Texas Children’s Hospital.  Elizabeth is studying occupational therapy pediatrics. 
Treasurer Fred Timmons is transitioning toward retirement.  He is considering visiting friends and family members in Texas. Also learning more about the Lone Star State!
Guest Julius Hunter was in Beirut for 4 years as a missionary.  Soon he will be going to New Orleans – his grandmother recently passed away with COVID complications.  Please accept our condolences.
Rotary Members are busy “giving back” in the communities! If you haven't already explored the nearly countless resources and information about Rotary register yourself here!
You will be amazed when you find out how Rotarians around the world are continuing to do good and change lives.  You can even find out information on your Paul Harris giving!!!!!  Go on, try it!!!!