April 4, Saturday at 12:00 p.m.  Click here to register and receive Zoom call link.
Click HERE to see how Rotary International monitors the coronavirus impact and read how we are making a difference! 
Click HERE to find out some of the ways Rotary members are supporting their communities right now!
This Day in History
1881 the town of Buda, Texas was established
1934 Bonnie & Clyde Parker killed two police officers
2001 US Census reported 200 million in the US and named Texas the most populous state, second to California.
National Days
National Walking Day
National Sourdough Day
National April Fool's Day
Wine Sommelier
Our acting wine sommelier, Vice President John Legris was his usual cheerful self and shared some highlights in wine history:
In the year 71 the first vineyards were planted in Bordeaux
In the year 77 Plini the Younger published "In vino veritas" which means, "In wine there is truth."
In the year 79 Mount Veritas erupted, destroying Pompeii and the vineyards causing scarcity of wine.
Vice President John shared with us some of his and his wife Chihiro's favorite wines: Insomnia from California, a Cabernet Sauvignon and Clean Slate, a Riesling from the Mosel region of Germany.
*Important* Vote Next Week on Club Bylaw Change
Important meeting next week to vote on a club bylaw change. The proposed bylaw change was emailed previously. Another email will be sent so please watch for it!
Board Nominations
We will be taking nominations and volunteers (interested Rotarians)who want to serve on our board. The following spots to serve during the 2020-2021 Rotary year expected to be on the ballot: President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and (1) member at large. If anyone has any questions about running for one of these spots please call Rick Tarbell 210-722-8121.
Four Way Test
President Rick Tarbell led the club with the Four Way Test. President Rick challenged us with, "Who have you invited to Rotary?"