Tax Humor
It wasn't a big surprise that President Fred was able to find some interesting and sometimes humorous facts about the IRS and tax code:
There are more words in the tax code than there are in the Bible. The tax code is about 4 million words long.
The first known taxes were in Sumer (Mesopotamia) almost 5,000 years ago. They were recorded on clay cones and paid in livestock.
The writing on the Rosetta Stone, a monumentally important artifact and the key to deciphering ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, is mostly about taxes.
Al Capone was a famous Chicago mobster. He was eventually brought down by agents from the Treasury Department (this was pre-IRS) who were able to prove that he was avoiding paying income tax. 
The IRS has more people working for it than the Federal Bureau of Investigation!
Over 1 million accountants are hired each year in America to help with taxes.
National What Day
  • National Proposal Day
  • National Kick Butts Day – a national day of activism that empowers youth to stand out, speak up and seize control against Big Tobacco.
  • Spring Begins
  • National Ravioli Day – many popular recipes either bake or deep fry the ravioli. The toasted ravioli got its start in St Louis, MO around 1940.
  • National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
This Day in History
  • 1854 – The Republican Party is founded
  • 1934 – Mildred “Babe” Didrikson pitches one inning of exhibition baseball for the Philadelphia Athletics. She allowed one walk and no hits.
  • 1852 - Harriet Beecher Stowe’s anti -slavery novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” is published.
Pass the Hat today goes to Kinetic Kids.